Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Boys

These are the boys!  Hard to believe by looking at them that they are actual brothers! And only 3 years apart.   I can't even get them in the same shot - their height difference is so dramatic.  They both LOVE sports and Forrest is all about basketball and Tucker lives and breathes Football.  He someday will have his own sports show where he can have another audience other than his family to share all his stats with!  


Anonymous said...

In the picture our heads are in, Tucker is jumping as high as he can!

Stephanie said...

Forrest, you are such a nice brother;). Laur, I love reading your blog-- it's like looking through the pages of a lovely magazine. I queued up Mostly Martha and I'm interested to hear what you think of "Eat, Pray, Love" Tell me if it's worth a read. Love Steph

megan said...

I love how different they are and how similar Gracie Jane and Ruby are. you have such a great family. I don't think I ever told you about how awesome Forrest is. When we had that enrichment night dinner at your house before Christmas I was gigantly pregnant. I needed help bringing stuff in so all I said was "Forrest come here" and he was right there carrying everything in (and back out later) without complaining or even looking unhappy about it. I was so grateful.

Also I'm adding your blog to mine

Merilee said...

Yes, I knew you would fall into the blogging trap eventually! I don't know why it took me so long to discover that you had. Your family is amazing. I can't wait to read more about them.

Rose said...


I have noticed you haven't blogged here in a while, and I was thinking of starting my own blog. However, I would love to use this blog address. Let me know if we can work something out!