Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Boys

These are the boys!  Hard to believe by looking at them that they are actual brothers! And only 3 years apart.   I can't even get them in the same shot - their height difference is so dramatic.  They both LOVE sports and Forrest is all about basketball and Tucker lives and breathes Football.  He someday will have his own sports show where he can have another audience other than his family to share all his stats with!  

McKenzie Childs

This was my Christmas Present from Jeff - money to spend at Cornelia Park which has the dishes that I collect by McKenzie Childs.  I absolutely love this 3-tiered holder.  I made some of Sarah's famous Chocolate Chip cookies to make me look good!  

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Cherry Boots

January 2008

I found these boots on clearance at target and knew that I had to get the girls a pair!  And wouldn't you know that all weekend it rained!  Rained here in Arizona!